Saturday, December 25, 2010

New World Communications Offers Crash Course in Using that Camcorder to Come Running Out of the Chute ... Growing Your Business in 2011

Just in case you are thinking about new ways to move your business forward in 2011... and finally using that camcorder of yours to do it, you may be interested in taking The New World Television Workshop, a 3-1/2 hour "crash course" that I am offering this last week of the year 2010 both in Seattle and Kirkland. Folks taking this "hands-on" workshop will come away ...empowered...with a working understanding of the following:
  • How to produce quality web television programming using low-cost and no-cost strategies and tools - e.g. Flip or other digital camcorder and your laptop.

  • How to design and apply the new web television to grow your small business, not-profit business, or government agency business with excellent guidelines about talent releases, etc. Our emphasis will be on the Structure of Story and how to tell and "spin" it to grow your brand, create mind share, and move your business phenomenally forward.

  • Where the new web television is going in terms of more advanced applications - using it in webinars as part of a remote consulting and practice; using it in multi-day virtual conferences and trade shows, using it in prime time grassroots web television programming applications that we are developing.
Price: $299 per person. For more information see our online published Google Document. Pre-enroll online via our online registration area. Call me for the session # and date that you want or if you need additional information. Taking this workshop will be one of the best investments you ever made for...coming out of the chute ..and shoot....running  and empowered with powerful new world television skills that you'll be able to practically apply in 2011. Call me and let's connect. 425-780-6872


  1. when should one start taking coaching for clat?whether one should go for crash course or for 6 month coaching?
    Brad Fallon

  2. Where can I find a good bartending crash course video or guide, maybe a torrent?

    Herman Miller chair
